Which NBA Players Get Moved at the Deadline? Underrated or Overrated? Least Exciting Players to Watch in the NBA

We are back with our NBA pod with Connor and Karter! We begin the show by discussing recapping the past week in the NBA. We then talk about the upcoming NBA trade deadline and which guys will be moved. We then discuss whether certain players are underrated or overrated and we close by going through the players we dislike watching the most in the NBA. Make sure to subscribe to the pod and thank you again for listening! Don't forget we got blogs, picks, and clips on karterkast.com!!! Time Stamps: NBA Recap: (1:20) NBA Trade Deadline: (8:21) Underrated or Overrated?: (17:34) Hate Watch: (27:24) Social Media: Twitter: @karterkast @karterb8 @connor_sparrow Instagram: @Karterkast TikTok: @Karterkast